

As the clock ticks, times are changing, systems are taking innovative turns to bring things closer to every facet of the human civilization. The world has become a global village and in as much as events and products are fast adapting to meet the needs of respective people, it is much vital that we as an organization adapt to suit the needs of our customers.

Still in line with our mission to deliver value to our community through education, we perceived that it is time for us to zoom into the needs of our prospective clients with respect to our Language Proficiency Courses , precisely, our English Programme in order to suit our clients.

In the subsequent months, Pleroma Academy now goes online with its  Corporate English Language Programme. Effective from the month of April, admission is open for equally taking an E-learning (Electronic Learning) English Course with us.

This suite is available for prospective Business English learners across the world, implying that, you can learn from the comfort of your home, office or anywhere and take an active-interactive English course session.

The E-learning English course is suitable for:

  • Corporate people looking forward to building their proficiency for career efficiency
  • Commercial business men and women to enhance customer relations service

A Personalized E-learning Experience provides you with :

✔Content for all levels

✔Native English Speaking teachers

✔Take a Trial Lesson – For FREE

✔Interim Assessment with customized study plan
✔Consistent Level Advancement Reports
✔End of Lessons Assessment and Course Certification


With an online type of taking an English course, you can fix flexible time outside the tight schedules and be free to take your E-learning English course within a short period.

Sign up for a more flexible way of meeting your English speaking goal with a quick and active-interactive approach!

Stay tuned for more details about the English online course!

Because we care, we empower



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