

Times are constantly changing; the world has migrated from different phases of civilization, and development: from business to agriculture, media to politics, health to banking, education, you name it.
This is with reason that, human needs are insatiable and as seconds, minutes, days, months and years go by, our needs as humans fade and appreciate. Therefore, all systems that work in place for human sustenance and dependability, incline their products and services to the constantly changing needs of humanity.
If everything we know and enjoy today has been brought much closer to us through technology, then education in this context is not an exception.
Technology has since its discovery in the 1980s has been pivotal to developmental systems that control human satisfaction. The effect of technology is enormous. It has brought relief and comfort to many institutions including Education. It has given academic and professional learners the opportunity to work through a much flexible frame i.e. Online – from the comforts of their location; the development of certain educational software has facilitated easy and creative learning.
Examples are the use of Microsoft Office tools (Words, Excel, PowerPoint Outlook, etc.) for presentation and project assignments; the use of emails, Skype and diverse electronic learning tools which have significantly supported and are still supporting the educational system.
I could give a tall list of the ‘wonders’ technology has brought to education but what’s important is to ask ourselves: ARE WE READY FOR THE SHIFT IN THE PARADIGM OF EDUCATION, AS TECHNOLOGY DIRECTS US?

Many people are struggling to accept the role technology plays in developing systems but
fact is, technology brings our needs much closer to us and we would have to learn to adapt, not just to education but all aspects of human life that involves interacting with services. Research has it that, by 2030, certain areas of developmental systems will be technoligised: Transport, Manufacturing, Banking and Education.
Thus, we are indeed approaching the point where we will no more experience education in a physical classroom setting but a virtual classroom setting, where you would have to learn via electronic means.
This is the era the whole world is gradually getting to and we must begin to adapt our minds to it.

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