

“Everyone deserves access to healthy, affordable and quality nutrition care. This access is however, hindered by deeper inequities that rise from unjust and processes that structure everyday living conditions.” – A Global Nutrition Report

A healthy lifestyle is a component of frequent intake of water, engaging in physical exercises and as well, frequent intake of fruits and vegetables.
Africa is one amongst the others, a continent endowed in natural resources including plantation but we hardly have developed a culture of having a daily healthy lifestyle. Practicing a healthy lifestyle does not have to be so much of a bag of cement to carry because our system and way of living is so much packed with tight activities that we can hardly halt to consider what we feed our bodies and brains with.

There are numerous benefits that frequent taking in of fruits and vegetables do to our bodies and our brains, especially finding ourselves in the path of acquiring new skills – Language Learning.
We know you would be wondering how fruits and vegetables are beneficial to the brain. In order to achieve your goals and have an active memory aiding you in understanding what you learn, taking in green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli that are rich in brain-healthy nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene; while fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, avocado, grapes et al, are loaded with vitamins and nutrients including antioxidants helps boost the memory.

This is why a person learning a new language as a student or working professional would need to develop and practice a habit of enriching his diet with fruits and vegetables and watch him or herself learn with so much activeness and enthusiasm.
We encourage that if you want to remain active and build an active lifestyle in achieving your goals, you do not neglect the importance of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Thanks to our loyal farmers, we have fresh, healthy and nutritious fruits and vegetables for our consumption.
So remember, that learning new skills demands a healthy and an active mind.


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