Minimum entry level: Elementary

Adults, All categories, Business English, English for Work


Enrolling on our online English Course for Logistics is the ideal place for you to build your own pace of progress in your goal to speak English for the purpose of your career.

Building your potential to speak English will help meet the standard of requirement in communicating among different nationalities and also help you to know how to manage complex Global Logistical processes.

English is the language used as a tool for communicating in logistics like every other working field.

Taking an online English course for Logistics with our supportive and experienced teachers makes English will you help you maximize your need to speak English and use this invaluable skill for all levels of management working within the Supply Chain and Logistics function. This live online English for Logistics course will be customized to suit your needs, and your online English teacher will help you develop your English language skills through discussion, role-plays, vocabulary development, language analysis and frequent feedback.

Interested in finding out more?

Book a Free Trial online English Pro with Assessment Report and Personal Study Plan with our teacher

Let us know what’s on your mind: Get in touch, we care enough to help you through the process!

Objectives of Online English Pro Course for Logistics

On fully completing this course, you will:

– Be equipped to communicate effectively in English, applying  in variety of situations, including with freight forwarders, shipping agents and customs brokers
– Know how to administer logistics processes using appropriate terminology, and work within appropriate Customs guidelines
– Be able to communicate warehousing problems and propose appropriate solutions
– Understand how to manage logistics staff using suitable terminology for each situation

Course Areas for Logistics:

Introduction to logistics:
– Setting the scene
– Jobs in logistics
– Regular activities

– Describing jobs
– Talking about regular activities

– Selling services
– Explaining online services

Inventory management and procurement:
– Inventory management
– Continuous replenishment
– Giving and asking for opinions
– Making suggestions
– Agreeing

Shipping goods:
– Markings
– Loading
– Advice of shipment
– Shipping instructions