Minimum entry level: Beginner

Adults, All categories, Business English, English for Work


Learning to speak the language of Engineers in English through live E-learning mode with teachers who understand the mode of the engineering communication setting will strongly help you develop your roots in using basic communication skills as a technical professional or practitioner.

Through the course you will develop your English Speaking and Listening skills so you can more effectively contribute to meetings, discuss technical drawings and production methods, give presentations and explain complex ideas. Also, during your course your online English teacher will use presentations, case studies and role-play simulations.

Interested in finding out more?

Book a Free Trial online English Pro with Assessment Report and Personal Study Plan with our teacher

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Objectives of Online English Pro for Engineers

On fully completing this course, you will:

– Be able to specify and describe material’s properties
– Have in depth understanding of how to explain and assess manufacturing techniques
– Be able to give description of assembly of components
– Give opinions on dimensions and positions
– Be able to practically identify design phases and procedures
– Be equipped with skills to resolve design problems
– Be able to understand and apply rules of Health and Safety

Course Areas for Engineering:

– Describing technical functions and applications
– Explaining how technology works
– Describing specific materials
– Discussing quality issues
– Describing component shapes and features
– Explaining and assessing manufacturing techniques

– Describing design phases and procedures
– Resolving design problems
– Describing types of technical problem
– Assessing and interpreting faults
– Discussing repairs and maintenance
– Assessing feasibility